Articles by Graham Noyes
“California LCFS: Upping the transport carbon cutting game,” PRIMA Interview with Graham Noyes, January 10, 2017.
“California Launches New Fuel Policies in 2016,” Biodiesel Magazine, January 2016
“California GHG Reporting Obligations Extend to Ethanol,” Ethanol Producer Magazine, February 2015
"From the Dump to the Pump: The Current State of Waste to Biofuels", first published in the American Bar Association’s Natural Resources and Environment Quarterly, Winter 2014
The Carbon Rush: America’s Path to Fire and Gold, a history of US energy development and innovation, published by Blake Island Media, 2012, received 2012 “Book of the Year Award” from Biofuels Diges
"How Feedstock Influences Valuation of a California Low Carbon Fuel Standard Credit for Biodiesel Producers", Biodiesel Magazine, May 2013
Lead Editor and Contributing Author, "The Law of Biorefineries and Advanced Biofuels", Stoel Rives LLP, 2012 Edition
“What’s Your Game Plan? Targeting Federal Renewable Energy Incentives,” Renewable Energy World, Aug. 24, 2011
“America Advances to Performance-Based Biofuels,” American White Paper Analysis of RFS2, co-authored with Clayton McMartin, March 2010